Thirty-seven percent of Australians didn’t agree that same sex people should be able to marry according to the national poll that resulted in Australia allowing same sex marriage.

What on earth are we to do with that thirty-seven percent?

As time passes, it is becoming very evident what is being done.   They are being banned from trading (having gainful employment).   They are being pilloried on social media; they cannot get tenure in an academic department at a university, and they very definitely will not be employed by the Australian Broadcasting Commission.

They do not conform, so they cannot be tolerated, you see.   Since the Christian civility of “love your enemies” has been trashed, those who don’t think mainstream Woke must be attacked as enemies.   Not only do you have to be allowed to think your neo-Marxist ideas, everyone else must too.   There can be no exceptions.

Wow!   I’m bound to ask: Is this the freedom people bled and died for?  It is frightening.  People now speak in hushed whispers, if at all, about their true feelings about what common sense and a balanced understanding of history show to be true.   But they daren’t say it out loud.   Someone might hear… then ‘bang’ goes your reputation and job.   Shh… the Communist Stasi police, sorry, the Woke keyboard warriors might hear.

And no one is questioning it.  The free, civilised, open debate once so prized by a Western civilisation that was underpinned by Christian principles, is no more.   Western civilisation must now be condemned as being racist, homophobic, imperialistic and inherently destructive of planet Earth.

Now I am the first to say that Western civilisation is not perfect and has its flaws… but I am hard pressed to point to a political culture that is doing things better.   Has Russian or Chinese communism—which collectively killed over 60 million of their own people in their drive to enforce farm collectivisation?   Did Pol Pot?   Did the nations founded on the worldview of Islamic fundamentalism (about which Western Woke-ness is strangely quiet)?   Whenever has it been shown that Marxism, (with its deconstruction of Christianity, family and morality) ever worked?   And yet, the jack-booted strictures of today’s media and academic institutions are taking us there.

And what does “there” look like?  What is the Nirvana they aim for?   Does anyone know?

Is it a world where everyone must be the same?   Is it a world that can allow no differences between the sexes, perhaps other than to say that women are superior?   Is it a world where conformity is insisted on?  Is it a future where you will be marginalised and robbed of opportunity if you don’t conform?

Well… I just want to say, that I don’t like the look of that very much.   And I’m not very excited at the idea of it being foisted on my grandchildren.   Will they, I wonder, look back with incredulity in the history books (if they are allowed to read them) to a time when people put a value on truth, on common sense, and on civil debate, i.e. to a time when they were free?

I wonder where the thinkers of our time are.   Who is saying, “The king has no clothes on,” and wake us up from this madness?   Do we find them in our academic institutions?   No, they must conform, or lose their jobs.   Do we find them in the media?   No, they must conform to the prevailing Woke culture, or lose their job.   So, where are the prophets of our time, the ones who will speak truth; the ones who will do so even though Jesus warned that God’s prophets would always be killed, ridiculed or imprisoned (Matthew 23:34,37).   (Matthew is a book in the Bible.   And the Bible was once a book… oh well, never mind.   It’s now been cast off as an irrelevancy.)

So, here is a message to the brave: Continue to whisper the dangerous truth of God’s grace.   Continue to read the stories of an eternal God whose love for us took him to the cross.   Continue to teach what good thinking looks like, what freedom smells like.   Tell it to your children and your grandchildren… and who knows, maybe again, freedom will burst forth like the sun to warm our bones, bones chilled by the dead hand of enforced Neo-Marxist thinking.

True atheists can’t allow moral outrage
The Atheist’s Dilemma over Death and Suffering