The reason people don’t accept God’s love and lordship are many and varied. Not all of them are rational.

The real issue concerning Christianity is this: “Is it true?” Nothing else really matters. If God really has revealed himself through Jesus Christ, then God is worthy of our full commitment. If God has not; then Christianity is not worthy of anything.

So, let me say again: The real issue is – “Is it true?”

If people are so wedded to their need to live autonomously from God that they refuse to investigate whether Jesus is true, then there is little anyone can do. That is simply wilful atheism… and it is not rational.

But for those who dare to seek; their quest is to find an answer to the question: Is it true? From this, it follows that discarding Christianity because of abuses committed by the church in history – is irrelevant to the question.

Discarding Christianity because the church once treated you poorly is similarly irrelevant to the central question. Meeting religious people whom you judge to be hypocritical is also irrelevant.

A desire to fit in with society’s atheistic opinion leaders, who tell you that God is not ‘on trend’ – is avoiding the more pertinent question: Is it true?

Whether or not you believe you can live a moral life without being a Christian is also irrelevant to the question.

To be perfectly honest, I am not greatly interested in whether or not you say, “being a Christian is boring and inconvenient to your lifestyle”; the issues is whether or not it is true.

If the love-story of the Christian gospel is historically and rationally true, then it is worthy of your full commitment. But if you wilfully choose to hide from the truth in a cave of ignorance – justifying your position with lazily held clichés… then that, I submit, is culpable behaviour.

Over and against that sort of behaviour stands the historical Jesus… and a universe of unimaginable wonder – if you choose to look up.

Why I am a Christian
Evidence of God