Christianity has not often faired well in the hands of us humans. Britain and Europe institutionalised Christianity to bolster the political power base of the ruling class. America commercialised Christianity to bolster people’s bottom line. The right-wing has tried to recruit Christianity to their cause (God wants us to have guns!). The left-wing has tried to expunge God from society as an impediment to their social engineering agenda. Somehow, both have missed the prophetic message and transformative power of true Christianity.

As I look at the magnificent soaring architecture of medieval cathedrals, the impossibly intricate stone filigree framing acres of stained glass, I am truly in awe. At least a significant section of society wanted to honour God in those days with the best that they were capable of giving. Today, artists are lauded and celebrated because they put a crucifix in a jar of urine. Just a bit of a difference! And, I can’t help noticing, today’s architects have rarely produced anything as beautiful as the Medieval chapel at King’s College, Cambridge. They build little boxes resembling shipping containers… and give each other architectural awards. Does ugliness of a nation’s culture leak out in its architecture I wonder? Hmm.

Honouring God, it seems, has become passé. It has become passé because there is no fear (holy awe) of God. This is quite understandable. It’s a bit hard to be in awe of a God you don’t believe in––or, more correctly, you want to not believe in. I guess every one of us will find out what is true at the end of time, won’t we. What’s your bet? What’s the evidence––or daren’t you look too closely? After all, it’s much easier to wrap yourself in the easy clichés of your tribe and participate in society’s collective “unthink”.

But for those who dare seek for truth, there is a promise: “Seek, and you will find” (Matthew 7:7).

Happy seeking.

Cosmic Laws Point to Moral Laws
Dare I Speak?