Category: Faith

Wistfulness is an ache of the heart that is perhaps beyond words. It is a sadness, a hope. Often, it is a longing for meaning, a yearning for something beyond your current reality. […]

Christianity has not often faired well in the hands of us humans. Britain and Europe institutionalised Christianity to bolster the political power base of the ruling class. America commercialised Christianity to bolster people’s […]

I once had the intriguing experience of visiting some of the cathedrals of England with my children. Whilst they were too young to fully appreciate the history and imagery carved into the stone, […]

It’s probably fair to say that almost every heresy that has afflicted the church, whether originating from within or outside the church, has the effect of reversing “God Emmanuel”.  In other words, instead […]

Why do I believe in God? It’s a good question.   Why do you and I believe what we do?   Is what we believe simply what is convenient to us?   Crucially, is it based on truth?   Or… have […]

Following The Reformation, ninety percent of Hungary and Poland was Protestant.   However, within one generation, both countries were solidly Roman Catholic.   The reason for this extraordinary turnaround was that the aristocracy of both nations hired […]