Category: Search For Meaning

Bertrand Russell (known as “Bertie” to his friends) was arguably the leading academic atheist in the early twentieth century. He wrote a book called, Why I am Not a Christian. Sadly, Russell fell into […]

I would never have made a good Stoic… although I applaud much of their thinking. Stoicism was a Greek school of philosophy founded by Zeno in the 3rdcentury BC. It taught that the […]

Wistfulness is an ache of the heart that is perhaps beyond words. It is a sadness, a hope. Often, it is a longing for meaning, a yearning for something beyond your current reality. […]

As I write this, I am reflecting back on a tumultuous week, one marked by several tragedies. A beautiful young woman in our church died in a traffic accident. She was an innocent […]

Why do I believe in God? It’s a good question.   Why do you and I believe what we do?   Is what we believe simply what is convenient to us?   Crucially, is it based on truth?   Or… have […]

A dear friend (who would claim no conventional faith) recently challenged my assertion that no one can have any sense of meaning if we dispense with the notion of God.   She said that people do […]