Category: Purpose

Bertrand Russell (known as “Bertie” to his friends) was arguably the leading academic atheist in the early twentieth century. He wrote a book called, Why I am Not a Christian. Sadly, Russell fell into […]

Here’s an interesting tit-bit for you: the word “cosmos” comes from a Greek word meaning “orderly system.” The philosopher, Pythagoras (570 – 490 BCE) was the first to use the term in relation […]

Wistfulness is an ache of the heart that is perhaps beyond words. It is a sadness, a hope. Often, it is a longing for meaning, a yearning for something beyond your current reality. […]

Can everything come from nothing? Rather a lot rides on the answer. The strident American atheist and physicist, Lawrence Krauss thinks it can. (I wrote about him in an earlier blog.) He wrote a […]

What a combative, contentious world we live in today. Modern philosophers, free-thinkers, and many of our media opinion leaders are now trashing any idea of transcendent truth saying that truth is whatever works […]

Some, who may not know much about science, think quite wrongly that rational science has no place for God.  Nothing could be further from the truth—as these quotes from the finest minds in history […]