Category: Hope

It’s getting hard for many Australians to find their place in today’s political landscape. The left and right are now so impossibly polarised that there is no civil dialogue. Both extremes become increasingly […]

Jesus taught a terrifying truth in one of his parables. He said that most people, (please note, most people), are lazily following the mainstream of society through a wide gate that is leading to […]

Death and suffering are a reality for every one of us.   So… may I ask: How well does your “world-view” handle it? If you are (very reasonably) wondering what I mean by “world-view;” it […]

Where does today’s society get its sense of identity from?   Where does it get its values from? I suggest that society doesn’t get it from anything very academic.   Society gets its values from films, songs […]

At the time of writing, the Covid 19 virus is wreaking its havoc medically, socially and economically around the world. Everyone now has to find an entirely new way of living as they […]

I once lived just a few kilometres from a place of mass murder. At the time, my father was a chaplain to the NATO forces who were stationed at Hohne in north Germany.   I […]