Category: Cosmos

Are we slaves predestined to be as we are, or do we have free choice? This is one of the great questions of humankind. The American science writer, John Horgan, has written an […]

Recent scientific research into black holes suggests that there is a reality beyond “space-time” in which space, matter and time do not exist.[1] If that isn’t weird enough, research into quantum physics suggests […]

“Critical theory” will have been knocking on your door fairly hard in the last decade, even though you may not have recognised it. So, what is it, and how does it affect you? […]

It’s a little odd, isn’t it, when you listen to someone who has the temerity to tell you the reasons you believe what you do. I mean… how would they know? They are […]

Because of the generosity of some very special people, Mary and I were able to spend ten days on Lord Howe Island. Lord Howe Island is a majestic place and a gentle place. […]

Come with me “to the dark side,” to the world of black holes. Cosmologists tell us that black holes will eventually gobble up all material matter in the universe. This means that the […]