Category: Atheism

I’ve been reading Psalms, a remarkable collection of songs, some written over three thousand years ago.  Because they were written over many hundreds of years, they are a record of how the Jew’s belief […]

Are we slaves predestined to be as we are, or do we have free choice? This is one of the great questions of humankind. The American science writer, John Horgan, has written an […]

Recent scientific research into black holes suggests that there is a reality beyond “space-time” in which space, matter and time do not exist.[1] If that isn’t weird enough, research into quantum physics suggests […]

Western democracy is in trouble. America, the world’s democratic flag-bearer, is increasingly confusing democracy with “freedom-without-responsibility,” and our Western civilisation is under siege. Dark forces are causing it to rot on the inside, […]

“Critical theory” will have been knocking on your door fairly hard in the last decade, even though you may not have recognised it. So, what is it, and how does it affect you? […]

Both Christian theology and atheism have to contend with the humbling concept of “truth.” Let’s begin with Christianity. History and culture have shaped people’s understanding of Christian truth through the ages. In general […]