There is nothing so beautiful, transcendent, foundational, perspective-giving, hope engendering—as truth. Note, I deliberately include the words transcendent and hope-engendering because I’m not talking about what’s culturally fashionable to believe, and I’m not […]

It is not the case that science is driven by scepticism, observation and experiment, while Christianity requires you to believe “six impossible things before breakfast.” Science and Christianity are both built on evidence… […]

It may be a little unsettling but the fact remains: a chimpanzee and a human being have 98.8 per cent of their DNA in common. We are very close cousins, biologically speaking—but we […]

John Newton was a difficult young man who had been hardened by a life at sea and brutalized by a public flogging. He had seriously contemplated murdering the ship’s captain who ordered his […]

Organisms in the plant and animal world will generally seek to kill off anything that threatens their ability to thrive. This includes eating other organisms in order to live. In this dangerous world, […]

Authentic Christians are passionate about truth. They have to be, because Christians believe that God requires it, embodies it, defines it… and is it. Christianity, more than any other religion, is preoccupied with […]