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The “New Atheists”, such as Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris and Christopher Hitchins’ claim that the New Testament accounts of Jesus are nothing but unreliable ideas passed on like “Chinese whispers” containing nothing but […]

There is something awfully final about death.  After the miracle of birth, death seems a bit of an anticlimax.   There is no fanfare, just the slow turning off of the switch for many of […]

You are a leftover.   And, evidently, our world is made of leftovers.   Even more astounding: our universe is made of leftovers. For every one billion particles of anti-matter in the early universe, there […]

Interesting things happen in space. They’ve grown a rose in space to see if zero gravity would affect its smell.   It does, evidently. And there’s a star, a white dwarf which scientists have […]

There is a sense within many people that we were created for something more than this life.   We feel we have loved too much and meant too much for us to have no […]

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