
The Old Testament book of Daniel speaks of a time in history, a time when truth is ‘thrown to the ground’ (Daniel 8:11-12). I can’t help but wonder if we are starting to see […]

As a pastor, I see too many ruined lives. So, as someone very aware of my own imperfections, may I say this: It doesn’t have to be this way. There is always a […]

One of the most profound questions humanity can ask is: “are we alone?”  Is there intelligent life on any other planet somewhere in the immense 93 billion light year span of our observable universe? […]

I’ve got some good news about dying. Rather obviously, how “well” you die will depend a good deal on your circumstances, but here’s the thing: the “wellness” of your dying also depends on […]

The Dutch philosopher, Baruch Spinoza, lived approximately 350 years ago. He was one of the fathers of The Enlightenment, and his thinking paved the way for what came to be known as “Higher […]

The Christian church is a paradox.  It is simultaneously a community of people who are (or should be) infused with the presence of God’s Holy Spirit who empowers their ministry and grows the character […]

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