To view the ten novels written by Nick Hawkes, go to

The chapter headings really say it all. With his sharp mind and easy style of communicating, Dr Nick Hawkes writes about the Cosmos, Creation, Philosophy, Quantum physics, Suffering, Sex, Meaning, and Me.

Download all 114 of Nick's blog posts as PDF.

Blogs that explore:
- the rational credibility of Christianity
- Christian principles to live by.
- What is its relevance for society and you?

Podcasts that explore:
- the rational credibility of Christianity
- Christian principles to live by.
- What is its relevance for society and you?

A free book that unpacks and answers 50 questions about Christianity from belief, suffering, sex, truth, science and the historical credibility of the Bible.

Deep Leadership introduces a deep and profound level of leadership that transforms the culture of organisations for their good. It is leadership that springs from character. The book also summarises and critiques the best teaching on leadership that currently exists.
Video Introduction.
Who Ordered the Universe?
A book that examines the cosmos and the arguments for a Creator behind creation.
Video Introduction.
Evidence of God ↓
A free 40 page book and group discussion guide.
Click the title to download or to purchase the book.

Key Issues of Life
Winner of the Selah award for Bible studies, America
The Bible on 50 of life’s most frequently
asked questions.
A Summary Of The Bible
Read what’s in the Bible – summarised to one sixth of its size.
Click the title to purchase the book.

5 samples of:
Thought for the Day
2 minute ‘thoughts for the day’
230 have been recorded.
5 samples of:
Daily Devotion
4 minute Bible devotions on life issues.
430 have been recorded.
3 samples of:
The Celtic Stone
A novel serialised for radio
59 x 10 minute episodes.
Click the title to be taken to the download page for all radio resources.

Dr Nick Hawkes had two degrees in science and three in theology. He was a research scientist, theologian, educationalist, apologist, author and radio broadcaster. His blogs and Podcasts, along with free resources and published works, are available at

What is Christianity? ↓
24 page booklet for new Christians.
The Country is Different ↓
A booklet explaining how Australian country towns work - and how the church can bring hope to them
Click the title to download the file as a PDF.